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AMACO Ceramic Products & Equipment

AMACO (American Art Clay Company) is a top-selling and trusted brand in studios and ceramic art educational programs for a reason. They offer expert engineering with solidly built ceramic equipment built to last. No matter the project, studio size, or material, they have what you need, offering an impressive 600 plus lead-free glazes alongside eleven clay bodies and four modeling bodies. They are also the manufacturer's of the phenomenal Brent potter's wheel and an impressive 23 different kilns capable of handling any size operation in any size studio.

Their two primary kiln lines are the AMACO line and Excel line. The AMACO line offers square and rectangular kilns built for school use, with high-end insulation that reduces ambient temperature and makes them safe for use around kids. The Excel line provides economical quality with modular design and reversible slabs that can extend the lifespan of the kiln.

AMACO offers a diverse selection of products for the ceramic artist, all manufactured with the highest quality materials to exacting standards of engineering.

AMACO offers a full range of products to fulfill all the needs of a ceramic artist, novice to professional. They create an astonishing variety of talc and lead-free glazes, clay bodies, and clays, alongside safe and durable kilns and other equipment, plus the best-selling Brent potter's wheel.

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