More Art Forms
Artists in all trades find the quality equipment they need whether for their present line of artwork or for experimenting in a new medium. By consulting Madison Art Shop, the equipment you need is hand-picked in every art form.
Madison Art Shop is extremely unique in that our staff consists of artists who are professionals in the area they specialize in. For 20 years, we have served artists in every field because of the experience of our talented staff. They select quality equipment for our artists, and you can be certain that at Madison we select high quality equipment and would never sell anything that we do not use. Our staff can assist artists in executing any project from beginning to end. Simply add the creativity.
Integrity runs deep at Madison Art Shop, and that is how we have become the extensive, professional art shop that we are today.
Whatever the art form that interests you, Madison Art Shop is staffed with professional artists who individually assist in selecting equipment needed for any art form.
Madison Art Shop offers the most extensive selection of professional quality art equipment for a plethora of art forms. Artists of all trades will enjoy extraordinary low prices for all the equipment they need. Whether a seasoned professional or an artist looking to expand his or her talent by experimenting with a new medium, you will find all the art equipment you need to execute your project from start to finish. Madison Art Shop is run by artists who carefully hand-select the best products for all art forms based on many years of experience, and we would never sell you anything we would not use ourselves. With almost two decades of expertise, you can buy art equipment comfortably knowing you’ll receive the best products for unbeatable value.
Art Equipment & Art Forms
More Art FormsBesides for the more standard art supplies (including painting & drawing supplies and easels & art studio furniture) on the other sections throught our website, here is a Summary of Art Equipment Offered in this "More Art Forms" section:
• Airbrushing: Air brushing is a modern technique which employs the use of a spray gun to apply paint. The tool can be manually blown with breath or hooked to a compressor that sprays small, misty drops of paint. Although it certainly takes practice to master this challenging art, the airbrush allows for a high degree of control.
• Cartooning: Cartoon art equipment is typically difficult to find. Whether you prefer traditional methods involving a lightbox and flipping through images, or more contemporary methods using graphics and computer software, we have a huge selection of cartoon art equipment.
• Collage: One of the most popular art forms, a collage is an assemblage of mixed media used to create a distinctive work of art. When creating a collage, you can literally use anything in your final product.
• Kilns: Pottery is a delicate craft that takes time to master. It is virtually impossible to produce fine pottery without a kiln to dry, set and harden the clay, creating that distinctive sheen.
• Paper Making: Making your own paper is a highly enjoyable form of art that allows you to give unique and thoughtful cards, invitations, etc. to friends and family. It allows for a full range of creativity and it’s relatively inexpensive.
• Etching Press: Etching is an extremely fun and creative process. An etching press or printing press enables you to create designs with linoleum block printing, collagraph printing, engraving, etching and monoprinting. Madison Art Shop has one of the largest selections of etching press art equipment available.
• Sculpture & Mosaics: Sculptures require precise attention to detail using specialized tools. Mosaics are whimsical designs of broken glass, shell or other materials cemented together. Quality artequipment will enhance the appearance of both art forms, and allows the artist to hone his or her skills.
• Sign Making: Through the use of specialized tools and equipment, you can design, cut and set your sign on a stand.
• Spray Booths: These useful devices suction in the hazardous fumes from aerosol sprays, glues, adhesives, etc. Very useful for indoor studios with less-than-optimal ventilation.
• Spray Painting: The distinct style that formerly littered the walls of back alleys has emerged as a unique art form capable of producing breathtaking works of art. Spray painting is essentially airbrushing from a can, and takes considerable practice and precision to master.