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Art Techniques & Education

Art Instruction DVDs Madison Art Shop has an extensive collection of Art DVDs including art instruction videos, art documentary videos, and much more from experts like Dan Greene, Stephen Quiller, and Susan Scheewe. These art DVDs are an inexpensive way to attain priceless one-on-one instruction from some of the finest contemporary artists.

Outside of the studio, develop rich and worldly knowledge about art and its history from art documentary DVDs that delve into the roots of the art you appreciate and the techniques you emulate.

In addition, enjoy our vast collection of documentary programs on DVD. Just reading our descriptions on these thousands of DVDs makes this section an informative mini-Wikipedia site!

To truly become a well-rounded artist, you must be familiar with different methods, forms, and mixed media.  Art instruction videos are an excellent way to experiment with unfamiliar media and improve overall technique.  Add depth and dimension to your work by discovering your unique niche.

Browse our extensive collection to find Art Instruction DVDs that will explore new techniques, expand on familiar practices, and deepen your knowledge of art and its fascinating history.  With the personal attention of an instructor and no classroom setting to distract your creativity, you may find yourself inspired to create true masterpieces.

All of our programs come with public performance rights.

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You don’t have to sit in a classroom to benefit greatly from an education in and art appreciation. Bring out the artist in you by delving into Madison Art Shop's online educational materials.

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Whether you are just beginning your pathway into art or a long-time artist who understands the value of continual learning, you will find what you are seeking at Madison Art Shop.

Get lost in the rich and wonderful history of art by watching our many documentaries that will help set the mood or provide more information on an artist whose work you admire. Learn more about their techniques.

If you are into pastels, watercolors and oil paintings but unsure of the materials to use, our Art Materials Articles & Tips demystify this area and will propel you into creating your first painting in no time at all.

In addition to our many online learning aids, tools and tips for new and established artists, art teachers and parents alike love our assortment of art work benches, seating and workstations.