
Items that are over stocked in our warehouse find their way into the Overstock section at Madison Art Shop. Here they are offered at clearance prices, and if an item you need has found its way into Overstock, you’re in luck! The item remains at clearance prices until it is sold out.

 Customers who make it a practice to review this page are apt to find more of the products they need at a savings, and everybody loves a bargain.

Artists in need of a quality product from Madison will find great deals on items such as easels, watercolor trays and other art supplies. When we need to move them out, it is your gain. We are pleased to offer lower prices on our regular items as well, so our customers get the supplies they need for their creative projects.

Every artist loves the Overstock section at Madison Art Shop because when we order too much of an item, the extra inventory goes into Overstock where the artists can purchase it at fantastic clearance prices.

Art Studio Furniture & Equipment
Art Instruction DVDs & Art Education
Drawing  Supplies
Painting Supplies
More Art Forms
Children's Art