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Stephen Quiller Water Media Videos (DVD or VHS)

Watch step- by- step instructions that shows you how to paint lively, pictures every time.
Item Code: JRM29003
Avg. Rating

List $43.95
Sale-Price: $59.99
You Save: $-16.04 (-36%)
Select Options Below

Choose from
 Complete Water Media Workshop #290034 - DVD: $59.99
 Mastering Color and The Plein Air Experience #290035 - DVD: $59.99
 Complete Water Media Workshop #290030 - VHS: $39.99
 Mastering Color and The Plein Air Experience #290031 - VHS: $39.99

Product Description:
You have not learned how to paint, until you have seen a Stephen Quiller Water Media Video. You will learn some very practical techniques that you can use right away. Learn the importance of color theory, and how it can improve your free hand. Quiller is a great teacher. Watch him explain the aspects of water media using an array of principals and techniques.

Stephen Quiller will explain his approach now how to use colors to manipulate a desired outcome. Witness how the use of colors can create expressive impressions, and stunning effects. In this workshop video, you will travel with Stephen Quiller as he travels to the beautiful region of Rocky Mountain, as he shows his viewers how to prepare to paint on location.

Learn how to use Stephen one- of- a- kind color wheel. You will enjoy taking lessons from one of the world’s greatest water media artists of all times. This video is filled with lots of instructions, techniques, and innovative approaches to watercolor, acrylic painting, casein, and gouache.

If these terms don’t ring a bell, watch the workshop video, and let Stephen explain, and demonstrate some of his best work. Get the complete water media video on DVD.

The video is available in PAL format, VHS and Video. It is a must have for the first time, or seasonal artists. Learn how to paint your way to a bigger, and brighter future, with Stephen Quiller Media Videos.

Customer Reviews

Product Reviews

5 out of 5, Based on 2 Reviews.
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August 13, 2009

Cammal, PA
April 11, 2006

Madison Art Shop is wonderful. The price was terrific. I received my order lightning-fast. I am completely satisfied and will be happy to do business with Madison Art Shop again. I look forward to it!

VHS format on-sale - $20 off!
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