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Holbein WC SET OF 24 - 5ml. One each of burnt sienna, Chinese white, compose blue, ivory black, permanent green no. 1, permanent green no. 2, permanent yellow lemon, permanent yellow deep, permanent yellow light, Prussian blue, vermilion, permanent red, yellow ochre, burnt umber, cobalt blue, crimson lake, jaune brilliant no. 2, rose madder, viridian, mineral violet, yellow gray, terre verte, cobalt green, light red, ultramarine deep and cerulean blue.

Item Code: H209-W405
Avg. Rating

List $169.00
Sale-Price: $99.99
You Save: $69.01 (41%)

Product Description:
Holbein ARTIST WATERCOLOR SET OF 24 - 5ml. One each of burnt sienna, Chinese white, compose blue, ivory black, permanent green no. 1, permanent green no. 2, permanent yellow lemon, permanent yellow deep, permanent yellow light, Prussian blue, vermilion, permanent red, yellow ochre, burnt umber, cobalt blue, crimson lake, jaune brilliant no. 2, rose madder, viridian, mineral violet, yellow gray, terre verte, cobalt green, light red, ultramarine deep and cerulean blue.
Holbein WC SET OF 24 - 5ml
Customer Reviews

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5 out of 5, Based on 1 Reviews.
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Kenosha, WI
April 11, 2006

I searced elsewhere for my product and Madison Art shop was the most reasonably priced! The site was a pleasure to go thru. It was very easy to find what I wanted. Purchase and delivery were a breeze. I would highly recommend this shop to others!

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