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Fredrix GALLERYWRAP Stretched Artist Canvas

Fredrix GALLERYWRAP Stretched Artist Canvas
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When you need a high quality canvas for your masterpiece, one of the Fredrix GALLERYWRAP Stretched Artist Canvases is certain to be right for you. These medium textured duck canvases feature primed surfaces that are acid free. This ensures that they are ideal for painting with multiple types of paints, including alkyds, acrylics, and even oil paints. No matter which medium you choose, you can be sure that it will look perfect on one of these canvases.

The stretcher frames that these canvases are mounted on are heavy-duty, coming in at double the standard thickness. That means you're getting more for your money. The gallery style canvases are stapled in the back, which means that you can either frame them, or continue your painting on to the sides and hang them without a frame. It's up to you; you're not limited by these canvases. Either way, you'll end up with a gallery quality look when you choose a Fredrix canvas.

Order your Fredrix GALLERYWRAP Stretched Artist Canvas now to begin painting without limits.