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FREDRIX 24"x36" GALLERYWRAP Artist Canvas - BOX OF 3

Without canvas, there would be no painting, but with a box of three 24"x 36" Gallerywrap Artist Canvasses, you're sure to have a place to paint your masterpiece.
Item Code: T-5090x3
Avg. Rating

List $220.62
Sale-Price: $89.45
You Save: $131.17 (59%)

Product Description:

24"x36" GALLERYWRAP Artist Canvas - BOX OF 3 If you plan to create a great work of art, it certainly couldn't hurt to start with a great canvas. The Fredrix Gallerywrap Canvas is a top quality duck canvas that features a medium texture. With a large, 24" by 36" surface area, there is plenty of room to capture your vision, whatever it may be. It has double the standard thickness, having been mounted on 1-3/8" heavy-duty stretcher frames. Best of all, buying it in a box of three saves you money, both on the canvas and on shipping. This box of three canvasses is exactly what you need, whether you're an established artist or a young painter just beginning to find your artistic vision.

(Oversize Shipping: $39.45)

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