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FREDRIX 22"x28" GALLERYWRAP Artist Canvas - BOX OF 3

FREDRIX 22"x28" GALLERYWRAP Artist Canvas - BOX OF 3
Order your new 22"x28" GALLERYWRAP Artist Canvases now, and get started on your next masterpiece.
Item Code: T-5087x3
Avg. Rating

List $172.11
Sale-Price: $42.99
You Save: $129.12 (75%)

Product Description:

22"x28" GALLERYWRAP Artist Canvas - BOX OF 3 A blank canvas can be a source of inspiration. It may have plain beginnings, but once you apply your imagination and creative genius to it, it will be so much more than just white space. It will become a masterpiece.

Your painted creations will look dazzling when completed on these GALLERYWRAP Artist Canvases. Whether your subject requires bright, radiant colors or dark, sobering shades, they'll show up strong and true on your new canvases. They're perfect for painting with oils, acrylic paints, and watercolors. Once you complete your work, your finished products will be perfect for display in any location that you choose.

Why wait to get started? The sooner you begin creating, the better. This package of three canvases will have a shipping charge of $38.35 added for UPS oversized shipping costs.

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