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FREDRIX 8"x10" GALLERYWRAP Artist Canvas

Great Deal!
Item Code: T-5075
Avg. Rating

List $18.44
Sale-Price: $9.06
You Save: $9.38 (51%)

Product Description:

An artist is only as good as his material. While an artist can have the finest training and brilliant techniques, if the artist does not have the appropriate tools, the finish product may not truly reflect his exceptional skills. That is why selecting only the first artist canvas is important. A loose canvas is not going to retain a strong push back on the brush, which can reduce the quality and consistency of the work. 

The 8 x 10 Gallerywrap Artist Canvas is designed to provide a painter with the very best, perfectly stretched tight, professional canvas around. With the prewrapped canvas, an artist no longer has to stretch and staple their own canvas any longer in order to obtain perfection, as the crafted canvas ensures the finest quality and the very best results, due to the tension placed in the canvas. To provide additional overlap along the sides of the canvas, the Gallerywrap Artist Canvas utilizes a thicker frame in order to provide additional room for the sides of the painting. 

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