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These Art Insturction Videos/DVDs are extremely popular with our artists!

Click on each to view preview clips!

Top Sellers
1. Painting The Portrait, Lewis - DVD
2. The Art of Still Life Painting -DVD
3. Drawing, The Language Of Vision
4. Painting The Still Life Peaches With Delft Mug DVD
5. Portrait Of A Young Girl, Jenny - DVD

The Art lesson DVDs listed here are Region Free (playable on all international countries DVD players.)
[Quick tech history lesson:
In the beginning each country, because of how their electrical current flowed (either alternating Current A/C(US, etc.) or Direct Current D/C(Most of Europe) Video tapes had to be specially made to match these specific magnetic fields used by the machines to view them. When Digital started to become available, there were similar issues, not because of the “magnetic’s” but because of the “embedded viewing” coding, at the beginning, on the DVD’s DVD-R’s etc. This coding was as dissimilar as the magnetic coding, or better stated as different as IBM and Mac. Some DVD-R’s still carry limited coding, and can only be viewed by specific machines or by Computer which have the ability to read multi data. Luckily because of the drop in cost and the demand world wide, most DVD’s produced in the US are now produced with universal or “Region free” pre-coding. Those that are not may have multiple pre-coding, allowing the DVD to still be viewed world wide. All of our DVD’s below are “Region free.”]
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