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GREGG KREUTZ Art Instruction (DVD): Painting The Female Nude, Sandra

Item Code: SI-GK3
Avg. Rating

List $98.00
Sale-Price: $89.99
You Save: $8.01 (8%)

Product Description:

Gregg Kreutz classical style is reminiscent of Leffel and even Rembrandt! Kreutz uses it to teach students how to create the perfect female nude painting. Gregg uses light and shadow to help bring the female form to life on canvas. Gregg Kreutz is quite highly skilled at using the interplay of light and shadow to create a living piece of art that is beautiful and captivating. Kreutz not only focuses on capturing the form of the female nude but also the portrait aspects of a nude painting. This acclaimed instuctional DVD teaches students how to use both the cool of shadows and the warmth of flesh to create a completed nude portrait that is at once stunning and subtle.

From his beautifully lit New York City studio, Kreutz works to get his students involved in not only the finished product but also in the complete process from the start to create a truly beautiful nude. In this in depth video Gregg works to create a stunning finished product with nothing more than a few simple brush strokes. Gregg not only works to insure that students understand that basics of shape and geometry when it comes to painting the human form, but also that they understand palette choices, color choice, how to create and use flesh tones, shadows and light, and more.

Gregg takes viewers from the most basic concepts to the complicated creation of delicate hands and feet all the while explaining each and every step to viewers. Kreutz takes the time to aptly articulate concepts to insure that viewers know what he is doing at each juncture so that they too can follow along and create their own stunning nude painting.

As an artist Kreutz has won first prize at the Washington Square Outdoor Art Exhibit for three years in a row. He has also won the Catharine Lorillard Wold Award, the Advancement of Art Award from the Allied Artists, and the Grumbacher Award, as well as many others.

The female body is a work of art all its own!
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