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BURTON SILVERMAN (DVD): Portrait of a Young Girl: Jenny (3.75 hour, Oil)

The masterful artist Burton Silverman shows viewers the full creation of his "Portrait of a Young Girl: Jenny" through about four hours of honest narrating and humbling self-reflection. The philosophy of painting is exposed to the viewer in this groundbreaking DVD release.

Item Code: SI-BSJ
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List $164.00
Sale-Price: $159.99
You Save: $4.01 (2%)
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Product Description:

Famed artist Burton Silverman narrates and exposes the creation of his brilliant work, "Portrait of a Young Girl: Jenny". Silverman details all the necessary steps of the process seamlessly. He explores real-life mistakes with an eager honesty, and shows viewers the process of fixing those mistakes. Silverman also narrates the difficulties of portrait work, and the intricate strategies taken to create a beautiful final piece. Viewers also obtain insight into his psyche through watching the creative process unfold, and through his overt and natural narration. The full video is just under four total hours.

View a preview clip here

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5 out of 5, Based on 2 Reviews.
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October 16, 2013

March 30, 2012

Learn from the expert in the Burton Silverman Video: Portrait of a Young Girl: Jenny (3.75 hour, Oil). Burton Silverman is an accomplished artist, with a distinguished art career, who graduated from Columbia University in 1949. He works with human portraits using a technique he describes as the landscape of the human face. In this instructional video, he shows how to paint a portrait of a young girl using oil paints with wonderful results.

Burton Silverman is a renown artist and art instructor. In this easy-to-follow video which is over three hours long he takes us through the step-by-step methods and brush techniques used to paint an accurate portrait of a young girl.
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