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LAJOS MARKOS Art Instruction (DVD): Classical Portrait Painting

LAJOS MARKOS Art Instruction (DVD): Classical Portrait Painting
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Markos without hesitation shares this knowledge in this video with students who wish to improve their  art skills  by painting realistic portraits.  Your work will no doubt show great improvement after watching and listening to this DVD, as Markos teaches  his secrets  used to create an excellent portrait on canvas.   View a Preview Clip

Item Code: SI-LM1
Avg. Rating

List $84.00
Sale-Price: $79.99
You Save: $4.01 (5%)

Product Description:

As a world famous portrait painter, Lajos Markos  made his mark in the Art world by painting over 2,000  portraits in his lifetime.  Patrons varied from wealthy people to the obscure, neither were they relegated to one gender,  as he portrayed both sexes elegantly.  Markos received commissions because of his unique ability to paint portraits that captured the very essence of the character of his subjects as well as their moods.   Among the rich and famous who commissioned his talents were John Wayne, The Royal Family of King Hassan II, the cellist Pablo Casals and Robert Kennedy.

By purchasing this DVD, you will be given classes and tips on portrait painting by Markos himself,  taped  in Philadelphia at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts.  Markos is a great teacher, he starts with a blank canvas, builds his portrait stroke by stroke, and in the video he gives lessons on how to paint a realistic portrait, how to avoid mistakes, what colors are best used on canvas to give the desired effect in contouring a person’s face, so that it becomes lifelike.   His unique ability to blend colors is evident as he teaches students special tips by defining colors that could only be known by an experienced classical master painter. If you wish to paint a realistic and outstanding portrait of someone,  that  captures  the person’s character and looks,  we recommend that you purchase this DVD.

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Customer Reviews

Product Reviews

4.5 out of 5, Based on 4 Reviews.
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Bellingham, WA
September 13, 2012

I thought it was a great video of Mr. Markos painting a portrait. I learned some new concepts which I can apply to my own portrait paintings. The Madison Art shop was very fast in getting the video to me.
New York
August 17, 2012

I purchased this video a few years ago and although, I enjoyed the visual, the audio was not very good. The voice
over explaining what Mr. Markos said or meant, was very distracting. I only hoped that there would be some way to improve the audio of this video of Mr. Markos speaking more clearly. If that were possible, I would be happy to purchase it again.
Rohnert Park CA
November 02, 2010

I've been painting for over 40 years and done several portraits and I learned new things from this Video. Markos is a Master portrait artist and the video is highly recommended for all levels. Madison service was flawless. Thank you!
Kentville, NS. Canada
September 22, 2009

Very good video shows some interesting concepts and comments.
The service of madison was very good too.

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