Art Boxes / Tote Bags

Here at the Madison Art Shop, we offer everything from our pastel box to our pyramid tote bags at very affordable prices in order to assist in making your supplies more mobile with less weight than necessary. We make every effort to cater to the needs of every kind of artist from those of you who prefer working with pastels to painters.  Whether you travel or do station work in a studio or teach art classes, we are here to provide for your every supply and equipment need.

Our various art boxes and tote bags can help make your art equipment more mobile with less weight at affordable prices.

Art Boxes
Why should I use an art box?

If you have small children in your home you should go the extra mile to protect your children from playing in your art supplies. You can purchase an Art Box for your supplies. Art boxes are a wonderful way to keep your painting supplies organized while ensuring that they are also kept out of the reach of your small children.

Art Supply Boxes
How can I store and transport art supplies?

Many painters are opting for art boxes that are made out of vinyl. These boxes not only keep your art supplies organized but they are light weight and can be worn as a backpack or over the shoulder. These new vinyl art boxes have water proof linings and a ton of storage pockets.

Art Box Tips

Art Boxes

If you are an artist, chances are you have a variety of different tools, supplies and papers or paints. Without an Art Box to stay organized you may lose that favorite brush or air brush attachment or you may forget what you own and purchase duplicate items. Your child or pet might get into your art supplies and endanger themselves and lose or damage them. Consider different Art Boxes and keep your treasured Art Supplies safe and organized.

Art Supply Boxes

Art box tips: There are a variety of boxes for storing art supplies. But the most interesting is the wearable art organizer. It Organizes art supplies in durable soft sided bag. Fully backed with a vinyl waterproof lining, the bag has additional storage and is secured with zippers. Light weight with straps for over the shoulder or as a backpack.

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