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Toy Corral

Your children will love to help mommy clean up by putting their toys in the Beka Toy Corral!
Item Code: BEKA-06203
Avg. Rating

Sale-Price: $69.00

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Product Description:

You'll love the Beka Toy Corral.  It's a play pen for the children's toys!  A place for the kids to store their toys so they won't be underfoot and cluttering up the room when they have finished playing.  They'll love helping Mommy by just tossing their toys through the open top of the Toy Corral.  The room can remain neat, and the youngsters can have the pride of helping out.  It's "easy in" (just toss) and "easy out" (with a convenient stretch cord to make the toys accessible).  Moreover, their toys will never be "lost."  They'll always know just where their toys are.  They can put them away quickly and find them fast.  If you're short on a storage area, the Toy Corral is also a space saver as it's designed to fit in a corner.  The Toy Corral is not your ordinary gift.  It's different!  It's fun!  Children can find their toys easily and put them away quickly.  It's convenient for the parents because it's so easy to assemble. A great gift for the whole family. Free shipping.

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