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Caran d Ache Wooden box Set of 120 PABLO Permanent Color Pencils

Caran d Ache Wooden box Set of 120 PABLO Permanent Color Pencils

These PABLO color pencils from Caran d'Ache make it easy to shade and sketch in 120 gorgeous shades that won't smudge or fade. This high-quality set comes in a sturdy, attractive wooden box.

Item Code: CDA-0666-920
Avg. Rating

List $508.00
Sale-Price: $369.99
You Save: $138.01 (27%)

Product Description:

Caran d Ache Wooden box Set of 120 PABLO Permanent Color Pencils Produce simple sketches or detailed drawings in full color with this set of 120 PABLO color pencils from Caran d'Ache. These water-resistant colored pencils work on many different types of media, so you can use them on paper, photographs, wood and other surfaces. The creamy soft lead of each pencil gives you a smooth stroke that makes it easy to get just the right level of color coverage for your piece, and the lightfast pigments ensure that the tones stay vibrant over time, even when exposed to bright light. These pencils come pre-sharpened, so you can start using them right away. The handsome wooden box keeps the colored pencils organized and makes an attractive presentation if you're giving this set as a gift.

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votorantim, sao paulo, brasil
August 07, 2012