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Artograph Opaque Projectors, Digital Art Projectors & Lightboxes

Artograph Opaque Projectors, Digital Art Projectors & Lightboxes
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Our upscale artograph projectors project horizontally and in much detail. You do not have to dim the room to work with them. Perfect for sketching and drawing projects.

Easy to work. All you need to do is insert an image from a piece or artwork, a periodical (such as a magazine or newspaper), etc., and it will project it.

Our LightTracer Elite Lightboxes are very handy for tracing. Their flat surfaces prevent your paper from sliding, and the lightweight aluminum combined with the illumination from the fluorescent bulb inside provides for accurate detail from under your tracing paper. Our LightTracer Elite Lightboxes help you trace in better detail.

For a slanted work surface, try the Light Tracer II.

Our artograph projectors are easy to work with and are ideal for sketching and drawing projects.

Artograph makes it easy.
Make it work and make it easy was the simple philosophy of Artograph’s founders. A creative imagination spurred a product line truly outside the box – artograph light boxes, art projectors, spray booths and Open Studio furniture. Regardless of your level of expertise or experience, we have a wide range of products to best fit your needs. Artograph makes it easy for you.

Artograph is proud to be celebrating 60 years of supplying artists with the finest artograph light boxes, art projectors, spray booths and open studio mobile furniture.

Artograph: A leading manufacturer of Opaque Projectors, Spray Booths & Lightboxes.

Art Projectors
Make it easy. Make it big...with Projectors. Whether it's image clarity, copy reduction/enlargement, or color-corrected brightness you need, we offer practical economical choices. Select the optimal model for quick and easy enlarging capabilities to create banners, murals and paintings or precision clarity necessary for airbrushing and fine art.

Art projectors project an image onto a work surface for tracing and visualizing. This allows the artist, crafter, or designer to size, view or lay out a particular design with incredible speed and accuracy, while maintaining integrity and control. An image can be reproduced exactly or used as a proportioning guide to aid in the creation of a new design.