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Gagne LightBoxes & Opaque Projectors

Gagne LightBoxes & Opaque Projectors
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Choose from a selection of space-saving and modern light devices to brighten up your work space. Technology eliminates hot spots while enabling you to draw careful lines, duplicate art and project smaller images at larger resolutions.

Gagne light boxes and opaque projectors such as the mini projector can be transported from home to art studio to work, while larger tables create a spacious workspace without being cumbersome. A variety of sizes suit your needs whether you have a lot of space to spare or real estate is at a premium.

You'll also find the portable lighting studio for taking photographs in any environment. Durable construction and portability combine so you can create art wherever inspiration might strike even if lighting isn't working in your favor.

Projectors, light boxes and paensl and other tools to illuminate your workspace and help duplicate art. Photographers will also find portable light sources for their work.

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