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Top-seller! All New Portable Photography Lighting Studio. Comes fully assembled and ready to go! Buy On-sale now!
Item Code: G-Porta-Studio1
Avg. Rating

Sale-Price: $239.99

Product Description:
This photography lighting studio is lightweight and compact, making it highly portable. Whether you shoot on location on a regular basis or you simply want the flexibility to store it as needed, this lighting studio is a great option. The top portion is adjustable, allowing for a wide range of positions for shooting. You won't have any trouble reducing or fully eliminating shadows on the objects that you're photographing. The unit features an outlet on the base lightbox to power the top unit as well as magnets to hold the background material in place. At full height, the lighting studio stands 10 3/4” tall.

Photographers love the lighting studio for catalog work, online sales, insurance claims, and much more. The studio arrives fully assembled, which means that you can start using it within minutes of receiving it. It folds flat and has an easy cord wrap, maximizing your options for storage and transportation.

(Oversize Shipping: $70.95)

PORTA-STUDIO PHOTOGRAPHY LIGHTING Get the lighting that you need for your product photography and other small scale shoots!
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