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Music & Dance Educational Videos

If you have ever wanted to know more about dance or any genre of music, these videos can teach it. Perfect for personal libraries as well as for classroom use, these videos will give the viewer in-depth information about specific areas of the arts. Learn more about everything from gospel music to specific works of masters like Beethoven. Find out more about a certain instrument or about whole orchestras. Be transported to the opera or to the exotic lands where timeless traditional music is played. If you love dance, see magnificent performances and learn more about some of the world's most revered dance styles. Bring more of the arts into your life with these videos.

The normal lead time for these titles has been delayed 7 to 10 business days due to the high order volume. Rush delivery is not available for these titles.

Learn everything you have always wanted to know about music and dance from these educational videos.

  • Music & Dance Educational Videos A Full Line of Music & Dance EDUCATIONAL & HISTORICAL Programs
  • Art Instructional Videos, DVDs & Books one of the web's largest selections of top-shelf INSTRUCTIONAL Art Videos, DVDS & Art Books!
  • Art Educational Videos & DVDs A Full Line of Art EDUCATIONAL & HISTORICAL Programs
  • Documentaries & Other Educational Programs on Film (VHS/DVD)
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