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Empire of Dreams: The Bolshoi Ballet Video (DVD)

This Bolshoi Ballet video gives the viewer an inside perspective at the Russian Bolshoi Ballet.
Item Code: FI-6962
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List $149.95
Sale-Price: $139.99
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Product Description:
This DVD about the Bolshoi Ballet gives the viewer a comprehensive and inside look at the goings on of the Russian Bolshoi Ballet company. The film features clips of the prima ballerinas Maya Plisetskaya, Nina Ananiaschvili, and other prima ballerinas rehearsing, at the barre, on tour, and performing parts of notable ballets. The artistic director, Vladimir Vasilye, is shown instructing the company on various productions he's overseeing. The video basically uses archive footage, performances, and behind-the scenes clips so the viewer can understand what the Bolshoi Ballet is all about.

This film is an exemplary DVD to watch for anyone curious about the Bolshoi Ballet or about Russian ballet in general, or any ballerinas in the making. Ballet instructors and ballet students would enjoy this well-made, solid, and delightful Bolshoi Ballet video.

(58 minutes)
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