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Art Opaque Projectors KOPYKAKE, ARTOGRAPH, GAGNE & BUHL Artists' Projectors
OPAQUE PROJECTORS to project and enlarge or reduce your pictures, patterns and photographs on a wall, paper or canvas for tracing and visualizing.
Just think of all the extra hours you can spend painting rather than drawing. With an art projector you can sketch and re-sketch your image in minutes giving you confidence to paint more boldly.

The Kopykakes and Artographs are both top name-brands. The Buhl is in a class by itself!
The difference in price is generally the difference in sharpness. If you just need a basic outline, the lower-priced ones will work well enough. If you want to capture every hair of the original, go for the higher-end ones.
We have received excellent customer feedback on each and every model!
As you can see, we are currently running fantastic sale-prices on all!

KOPYKAKE, ARTOGRAPH, GAGNE and BUHL Artists Opaque Projectors!

Art Projectors

Best Selling Artists' Opaque Projectors:
  • Higher-end: Kopykake Kobra K5000 Artist Opaque Projector
  • Mid-High range: Kopykake 300XK Artist Opaque Projector
  • Mid range: Artograph SUPER PRISM™ Opaque Art Projector
  • Lower priced: Kopykake Kwik-Draw KD200

    Best Selling LightBoxes:
  • Artograph LIGHT TRACER® Light Box 10" x 12"
  • Artograph LIGHT TRACER® II Light Box 12" x 18"
  • Artists' Opaque Projectors by Manufacturer:
  • Artograph Opaque Projectors & Lightboxes
  • Kopykake Opaque Projectors
  • BUHL Opaque Projectors
  • Gagne LightBoxes & Opaque Projectors

  • Imagine how your skills will improve as you no longer worry about making a painting mistake that will ruin your carefully and painstakingly drawn sketch - with an opaque projector you can sketch and re-sketch your image in minutes giving you confidence to paint more boldly.

    Lightboxes to backlight pictures, patterns, designs and photographs for tracing, scrapbooking, embossing and stenciling.

    How to Paint Successful Pictures....

    The sketch is a fundamental element to a successful painting so why leave this essential task to chance when using photos and other images as reference? An inaccurate sketch makes for an unsuccessful painting, here's how to be sure your paintings start out with a strong sketch...

    Painting from photos is something all artists do but often it is the source of much frustration - a process that sometimes takes many hours. Most of this time is the preparation - drawing the subject in perspective, proportion or the correct scale; but the creative part of art - the painting - is what artists enjoy most.

    Doesn't it make sense to complete the drawing as quickly and as accurately as possible so you can get on and enjoy the creative painting? Now you can.

    Enlarging your photos to almost any size and drawing them accurately in minutes leaves you to set your creativity free and enjoy painting.

    Enlarging photos with a Kopykake projector is simple. Just put your original image into the projector, raise the projector head on its stand to enlarge to your desired size, focus the image and then outline it comfortably as you work at your drawing table.
    Using a projector will let you get your image down in minutes instead of hours any other method would take.

    Today's Replacement for the Camera Obscura:

    Norman Rockwell used a projector...
    Carvaggio and peers using the camera obscura to start an artistic revolution.

    In 1947, the founders of Artograph revolutionized the method of projecting an image with the development of the first Artograph projector. Originally called the "Kouba Lucy," it was designed by the renowned Midwest wildlife artist, Les Kouba. Les and partners Seymour Pederson, John Engel and Ed Hirschoff, built his very first projector from items scavenged from a junk shop - a garage door track, assorted car parts, a bellows and some plywood. The outstanding response to this projector set in motion the direction of the company.

    By those standards, we are fortunate to have the many image transfer devices manufactured today. From budget-priced projection systems and small light boxes to large, more sophisticated units, there is a product to meet every creative need.

    Artograph's full-line of art projectors, light boxes and spray booths have a long-held reputation of high quality workmanship and design. Each product has been uniquely designed to fuel your imagination, while aiding in the creative process. We have continually watched and listened while customers likeyou have created. Your needs have been the source of inspiration for all our products and the satisfaction they deliver is our number one priority.


    ART PROJECTORS can be used for fine art, illustration, murals, airbrushing, decorative arts, craft projects, banners, signs, and much more. (The Artograph projecors are not for slides.)

    Professional artists, illustrators, crafters, hobby painters and designers around the world appreciate the superior performance of Artograph® Art Opaque Projectors, Light Boxes and Spray Systems.

    Artograph gives you productivity you can count on - year after year. Artograph products require either little maintenance, or none at all. Artograph's commitment to your creativity never stops. Since the company's conception in 1947, Artograph has constantly sought enhanced quality through better design. The result - products that are always the fastest, most efficient, most direct responses to your creative needs.

    See for yourself how Artograph's range of high spec products can let you do more… creatively and productively!


    Kopykake is a line of best-selling art opaque projectors.



    We have added to our inventory, Projectors and Light Tables from GAGNE.

    GAGNE (Gahney') is a another top-quality brand name company in the business since 1952!

    Gagne Projectors have a unique inovative technology which allow bottom loading and 50% less heat out-put than others!

    Their "Table Light Box" is an outstanding piece that you will use and marvel at for years to come!


    {For more about artist's opaque projectors, see above "Art Projectors Tips & Techniques" and "About Light Boxes / Tips & Techniques". We also carry some educational books on this as listed above.}



    Artograph Art Projectors



    Common Opaque Projector Uses
    What do artists use opaque projectors for?
    Opaque projectors are used by painters to transfer images. Painters can place a sketch or photo on an opaque projector and the picture is then projected onto their canvas or wall. Opaque projectors are one way in which artists can take a small picture and make it larger while maintaining the proportion and perspective of the original.

    Prolong Opaque Projector Use
    How long can I keep an image under an opaque projector?
    You should be aware that opaque projectors have brighter bulbs than overhead projectors. You should never leave your materials in the projectors for too long or they can be damaged by the heat. To protect your images and materials you should turn off the projector periodically and allow it to cool down.

    Saving Time With Opaque Projectors and LightBoxes
    Do opaque projectors really save artists time?
    Light boxes or opaque projectors are a great tool for an artist who is looking to repeat their designs throughout a surface or garment. Being able to move the image around in the opaque projector, doubling the image up or moving the projector itself can save an artist countless hours of time.

    Kopykake, Artograph, Gagne, Opaque Projectors, Artograph Projectors Opaque & Art Projectors