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Repercussions: A Celebration of African-Influenced Music Video (7-part series - DVD)

Drums, music, and rhythm and blues are just three genres explored in this seven-part series on African-influenced music.
Item Code: FI-10508
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List $629.65
Sale-Price: $619.99
You Save: $9.66 (2%)

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Product Description:
Traditional African music has influenced almost every genre of music that we listen to today. Learn about how the ritual use of drums in Dagbon produced master musicians and perpetuated a rich culture and history of music. Hear how spirituals sung by slaves evolved into the rich gospel music heard today. Listen to jazz instrumentals and blues vocals and discover the basis for modern-day rock and roll.

In this series, you will be introduced to instruments and sounds you have probably never heard before, like the music of a palm wine guitar, popular in a music genre known as hi-life.

African music touches almost every aspect of the music we listen to, and knowing about Africa's rich musical history is a chance to gain a deeper understanding of the music we love.

7-part series, 56-60 minutes each.
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