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You Can Paint Pastels Book by Marie Blake

You Can Paint Pastels Book by Marie Blake
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Learn to paint in pastels with this book that starts at the beginning to teach everything you need to know.
Item Code: MAC-WG-901
Avg. Rating

List $9.95
Sale-Price: $9.29
You Save: $0.66 (7%)

Product Description:
You Can Paint Pastels Book by Marie Blake Painting in pastels is a beautiful expression of thought and emotion. With this pastels book, you can learn to start at the beginning with no experience in painting and learn what to do step by step. This book walks you through the very beginning stages such as mixing your colors, what types of materials you need and how to use both the distance and foreground to make your work look three-dimensional.

This painting book is right for painters of all ages, and it will give the painter confidence through painting exercises that takes the painter step-by-step through the process. More than 100 illustrations show the painter how to achieve the desired effects and how to create specific figures such as flowers, rocks, skies, water and more. Learn to combine them with this book's painting methods to create a finished work of your own.
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