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A premium quality artist paint.
Item Code: CA-1414116
Avg. Rating

List $13.15
Sale-Price: $6.89
You Save: $6.26 (48%)

Product Description:

Sunflowers were a distinct fascination of artist, Vincent Van Gogh. Well recognized for his contribution to still-life painting during the Impressionist period, Dutch painter Van Gogh set the pace for nuanced variation in yellow hues.

A sophisticated technique applied to naïve subject matter, the effects found in the series originally entitled “Tournesols” (i.e. Sunflowers) are characteristic of Van Gogh’s innovative style. First exhibited at Les XX in Bruxelles, he later perfected his subject in the Berceuse-Triptych 1889.

Plastic, pliable, and thick in texture, the Sunflowers series illustrates the last phase in Impressionist painting. Van Gogh’s sunflowers reflect the use of a perfect shade of Cadmium Yellow Medium.

The inspiration for many contemporary artists, Van Gogh’s work offers insight into the aesthetics used in still-life. Color rich paints, applied liberally with a brush or palette, produce the same effect seen in his paintings. Create an Impressionist masterpiece with Winsor & Newton Winton Oil paints. 

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