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Winsor and Newton ARTISTS' Oil Colors 4 Oz. (120ml) tubes.

Winsor and Newton ARTISTS' Oil Colors 4 Oz. (120ml) tubes 37 ml - 1214 series. 120 ml - 1230 series.

Color Name List PriceSale Price You SaveQuantityAdd
4 oz. W&N Artists' Oil Color #074 - BURNT SIENNA $23.55 $11.78 ($11.77, 50%)
4 oz. W&N Artists' Oil Color #076 - BURNT UMBER $23.55 $11.78 ($11.77, 50%)
4 oz. W&N Artists' Oil Color #086 - CADMIUM LEMON $59.70 $29.85 ($29.85, 50%)
4 oz. W&N Artists' Oil Color #094 - CADMIUM RED $59.70 $29.85 ($29.85, 50%)
4 oz. W&N Artists' Oil Color #108 - CADMIUM YELLOW $59.70 $29.85 ($29.85, 50%)
4 oz. W&N Artists' Oil Color #178 - COBALT BLUE $59.70 $29.85 ($29.85, 50%)
4 oz. W&N Artists' Oil Color #331 - IVORY BLACK $23.55 $11.78 ($11.77, 50%)
4 oz. W&N Artists' Oil Color #379 - MANAGNESE BLUE HUE $23.55 $11.78 ($11.77, 50%)
4 oz. W&N Artists' Oil Color #503 - PERMANENT SAP GREEN $59.70 $29.85 ($29.85, 50%)
4 oz. W&N Artists' Oil Color #468- PERMANENT ALIZARIN $59.70 $29.85 ($29.85, 50%)
4 oz. W&N Artists' Oil Color #505 - PERYLENE BLACK $23.55 $11.78 ($11.77, 50%)
4 oz. W&N Artists' Oil Color #552 - RAW SIENNA $23.55 $11.78 ($11.77, 50%)
4 oz. W&N Artists' Oil Color #558 - RAW UMBER $23.55 $11.78 ($11.77, 50%)
4 oz. W&N Artists' Oil Color #599 - SAP GREEN $33.30 $16.65 ($16.65, 50%)
4 oz. W&N Artists' Oil Color #674 - UNDERPAINTING WHITE $23.55 $11.78 ($11.77, 50%)
4 oz. W&N Artists' Oil Color #692 - VIRIDIAN GREEN $59.70 $29.85 ($29.85, 50%)
4 oz. W&N Artists' Oil Color #706 - WINSOR BLUE/RED SHADE $33.30 $16.65 ($16.65, 50%)