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Winsor & Newton 1/4” FLAT Brush Cotman 666 series

Winsor & Newton 1/4” FLAT Brush Cotman 666 series
Professional artists acknowledge painterly technique begins with a high quality brush set
Item Code: -5306106
Avg. Rating

List $11.10
Sale-Price: $4.49
You Save: $6.61 (60%)

Product Description:
{Image shows all series sizes. However, this item is only one brush, size: 1/4" Flat}

Winsor & Newton 1/4” FLAT Brush Cotman 666 series is a professional caliber brush set designed with the expert painter in mind. When an artist first approaches a canvas or paper illustration in preparation of an original work, one of the biggest challenges in paint application is line. Transforming figurative drafts into painted form is more readily achieved with a flat brush set. Equally useful in freehand execution of painted multimedia works, a flat brush set contributes technical versatility to artistic production.Acrylic, alkyd, oil, watercolor artists will find that a flat brush set offers the best flexibility in paint application. One of the best value for money products for beginning painters. Produce precision in painterly results without the technical errors typically experienced with round brushes.Flat brushes by Winsor & Newton are the master artist's solution to optimal outcomes every time. Wrapped for storage and potability, the set is easy-to-clean with chemical solvent or water.

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