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Winsor & Newton 1/2” Brush 680 Series

Winsor & Newton 1/2” Brush 680 Series
You'll need just one stroke with the Windsor & Newton 1/2" Brush 680 Series paint brush.
Item Code: 5460113
Avg. Rating

List $8.55
Sale-Price: $5.99
You Save: $2.56 (30%)

Product Description:
This brush has a 1/2" inch width and is made with white synthetic polyester bristles that will deliver a sharp and smooth paint application with just one stroke. The polyester filaments provide a firm spring and retain their shape while offering a nice smooth brush mark and sharp edges. This brush has enough stiffness to use with a variety of mediums including fluid oils and acrylics, but is still soft enough to use with watercolor paint. The Winsor & Newton 1/2" brush has a short handle made with yellow lacquer that is comfortable and easy to hold for long sessions of painting. The ferrule is made of shiny nickle-plated metal, providing a strong hold on the bristles for minimal bristle loss. This brush is an inexpensive option that is great for beginners but also good enough for more experienced artists who want an effective affordable brush.
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