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Winsor & Newton WINTON Oil Colors


Oil paints by Winsor & Newton are top quality and value, where small amounts go a very long way! We love this company!

W&N WINTON Oil (1.25fl.oz.) colors are ideal for artists who want good quality color at an ecconomical price. Some of the more costly traditional pigments have been replaced with excellent mordern alternatives.

Below are selections of the colors we use. These are our core colors, and this selection should suffice for any artist's color mixing and blending.

We enjoy, and find better values, in the 37ml-1.25oz size tubes, since they fit neatly in art boxes, are easier to squeeze properly and do not tend to dry up before their end, like the larger sizes.

1.25 U.S. fl.oz. - 37ml tubes.
Series 1414
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Color Name List PriceSale Price SaveQuantityAdd
Set of 20 W&N Winton Oil (1.25fl.oz.) Colors (#01, #02, #03,#05, #08, #15, #19, #21, #24, #26, #28, #32, #34, #37, #40, #44, #48, #65, #66, #68) - 20 tubes 1.25 fl.oz. each $144.75 $74.49 ($70.26, 49%)
W&N Winton Oil (1.25fl.oz.) #02 - BURNT SIENNA $6.49 $3.99 ($2.50, 39%)
W&N Winton Oil (1.25fl.oz.) #03 - BURNT UMBER $6.49 $3.99 ($2.50, 39%)
W&N Winton Oil (1.25fl.oz.) #05 - CADMIUM RED HUE $6.49 $3.99 ($2.50, 39%)
W&N Winton Oil (1.25fl.oz.) #08 - CADMIUM YELLO PALE HUE $6.49 $3.99 ($2.50, 39%)
W&N Winton Oil (1.25fl.oz.) #65 - CADMIUM YELLOW MEDIUM $14.59 $7.89 ($6.70, 46%)
W&N Winton Oil (1.25fl.oz.) #66 - CERULEAN BLUE $14.59 $7.89 ($6.70, 46%)
W&N Winton Oil (1.25fl.oz.) #10 - CERULEAN BLUE HUE $6.49 $3.99 ($2.50, 39%)
W&N Winton Oil (1.25fl.oz.) #15 - COBALT BLUE HUE $6.49 $3.99 ($2.50, 39%)
W&N Winton Oil (1.25fl.oz.) #19 - FLAKE WHITE $6.49 $3.99 ($2.50, 39%)
W&N Winton Oil (1.25fl.oz.) #21 - FRENCH ULTRAMARINE $6.49 $3.99 ($2.50, 39%)
W&N Winton Oil (1.25fl.oz.) #24 - IVORY BLACK $6.49 $3.99 ($2.50, 39%)
W&N Winton Oil (1.25fl.oz.) #26 - LEMON YELLOW HUE $6.49 $3.99 ($2.50, 39%)
W&N WINTON Oil (1.25fl.oz.) #28 MAGENTA $6.49 $3.99 ($2.50, 39%)
W&N Winton Oil (1.25fl.oz.) #32 - PAYNE’S GRAY $6.49 $3.99 ($2.50, 39%)
W&N Winton Oil (1.25fl.oz.) #48 - PERMANENT GREEN LIGHT $6.49 $3.99 ($2.50, 39%)
W&N Winton Oil (1.25fl.oz.) #34 - RAW SIENNA $6.49 $3.99 ($2.50, 39%)
W&N Winton Oil (1.25fl.oz.) #37 - SAP GREEN $6.49 $3.99 ($2.50, 39%)
W&N Winton Oil (1.25fl.oz.) #40 - TITANIUM WHITE $6.49 $3.99 ($2.50, 39%)
W&N Winton Oil (1.25fl.oz.) #68 - VIRIDIAN $14.59 $7.89 ($6.70, 46%)
W&N Winton Oil (1.25fl.oz.) #44 - YELLOW OCHRE $6.49 $3.99 ($2.50, 39%)

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Above are color selections that we recommend.
[For some reason, the "Yellows" are always more expensive.]