1.25 oz. W&N Artists' Oil Colors Winsor Blue/Green Shade #707

Time to finish that blue/green seascape painting with Winsor shade #707.
Item Code: WN1-25-707

List $14.30
Sale-Price: $8.58
You Save: $5.72 (40%)

Product Description:

As blue/green as the Caribbean sea, this economically priced oil color easily cleans up with soap and water as soon as the next masterpiece is finally finished.  An oil color unmatched in quality and price, this 1.25 oz tube of Winsor blue/green is the perfect addition to any artist's palette for a great, low price with guaranteed satisfaction.  A pure pigment of the finest oil paint, Winsor blue/green 707 adds pizzaz and lustre to the oil paintings of both beginner and novice.  Pick up a tube today and enjoy the artist's lucid dream of creation. Swim through the deep waves of the ocean or just make the next masterpiece come alive with this top-notch, high quality oil color created by a trusted company that makes the world's finest paints and painting accessories.  

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