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What Is Music? Video (DVD)

This video from England's Lectures of 1989 presents accomplished English Professor of Physics, Charles Taylor. Professor Taylor also play twenty instruments. He is very qualified to integrate the study of music with science. Libraries of science or music educators or anyone interested in expanding their knowledge of the interaction of music and science need this video praised by many associations such as "Video Rating Guide for Libraries".
Item Code: FI-2310
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Product Description:
Professor Taylor starts explaining that the impact of scientific advancements on culture, music and lives in general. Through numerous scientific experiments, you see how air produces sound, how sound moves through wood, and numerous other related scientific presentations. He further presents the ears to brain relationship. Further, he presents not only how pressure changes move to the listener as sound waves. Professor Taylor looks at why to some a sound maybe music but to someone else it is noise through the ears to brain relationship. MIDI explained that this allows electronic instruments to communicate with each other! Professor Taylor has done a superb job of interweaving science and music that is entertaining and will keep any audience attention to the end of the video. If you would like to view a preview clip please use this link:
  • ISBN: 978-0-7365-6560-8
  • Run Time: 60 Minutes
  • Copyright Date: 1989
  • Closed Caption: Yes

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