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WALKER Picture System: "Lock-On" Rod Sleeves

WALKER Picture System: "Lock-On" Rod Sleeves
These Lock-On Rod Sleeves attach to the Walker Display System molding. When used with plain rods, this system allows you to display your art without poking numerous unnecessary holes in your walls, and without the need for tools, displays can be easily changed.
Item Code: #WALKER-5XX
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Sale-Price: $6.99
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Product Description:

The Walker Display System is designed to protect your walls from unnecessary nail holes in order to display your art. These Lock-On Rod Sleeves are designed to attach to Walker Display System molding  and can be positioned in such a way it blends in with the the home, securing a plain rod, which can then support whatever art you choose without puncturing your walls. These sleeves attach with ease and are equally simple to adjust, which gives you greater flexibility in your display. No tools are necessary for installation. This flexibility makes this system ideal for not only home use but for displays in businesses and galleries.

These hooks are individually packaged and sold separately, as are other components of the Walker Display System.

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