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“Traditional” #1400

“Traditional” #1400
A versatile, easy to use easel.
Item Code: TR-1400
Avg. Rating

List $154.95
Sale-Price: $109.99
You Save: $44.96 (29%)

Product Description:
This is an elegant and simple easel, designed with your ease and comfort in mind. If you enjoy painting outdoors or travel with your equipment this is the perfect easel for you. This light-weight easel is made with extra wide aluminum supports and a bottom holder with double-sliding locks and can accommodate canvasses as large as 64" high. Extensions are available as well. Its ease of assembly or disassembly along with the strong aluminum skeleton make it perfect for travel and outdoor painting. With its adjustable wide base you will not have to worry if it will fall down even if a strong gust of wind comes your way. No tools are required for assembly so that is one less distraction keeping you from painting. This is among the best easels that we offer for the price. We take as much pride in our products as you do in your art.
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