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Technology DVDs

Item Code: FI-D077
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Sale-Price: $49.95
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 #34014 The New World of Fitness and Recreation
 #24968 Careers in Technology(+$33)
 #6525 Techno-Nerds(+$40)
 #26091 Polymer Production Techniques(+$40)
 #10469 Privacy and Security(+$40)
 #10891 Technology: At Your Service(+$40)
 #11825 Safeguarding Your Privacy at Home and Work(+$40)
 #25688 Introducing Plastics Technology(+$50)
 #33506 Light Speed(+$80)
 #10464 Technoscience: Blurring the Line Between Man and Machine(+$80)
 #10465 Technoculture: Finding Our Way in the Terra Incognita(+$80)
 #33079 Digital Dark Age? Gambling with Humankind's Knowledge(+$80)
 #4299 No More Privacy: All About You(+$100)
 #35078 Peter Jennings Reporting-No Place to Hide(+$100)
 #9332 Technology and Its Applications(+$209.95)
 #10463 Living in the Brave New World(+$209.95)

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Product Description:
#34014 Technology & Society - The New World of Fitness and Recreation (Run time 15 min.) DVD $49.95

This Science Screen Report explores the growing importance of science in sports and recreation. The program shows how technological research fuels athletic achievement and profoundly influences equipment and facility design, and the ways in which robotics, computers, and high-speed cameras are enabling humans to interact with our planet's different environments. Clearly demonstrating a wide range of advances, The New World of Fitness and Recreation offers an inspiring view into a surprising intersection of disciplines. A viewable/printable instructor's guide is available online. Produced in association with the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology and the Junior Engineering Technical Society. (15 minutes)

#24968 Technology - Careers in Technology (Run time 19 min.) DVD $82.95

Viewers learn about the opportunities to work in the expanding world of technology as they examine a wide variety of jobs. Included are: transportation, power, energy sources and alternative sources, communications, graphic communications, construction, manufacturing, and many others. Growth potential, educational requirements, and a salary range provide helpful information for career planning and future job training. (20 min.) A Meridian Production.

#6525 Technology - Techno-Nerds (Run time 24 min.) DVD $89.95

This program offers a skeptical and witty look at the Internet, the "nerds" who live with it, and what the program sees as a barrage of overblown hype promoting digital techno-culture. The program takes a look at what the reality of the on-line experience is today, and decries the slack aesthetics and empty claims made by people apparently overwhelmed with techno-lust. The program argues that significant social trends are actually moving away from technology, not towards it. (24 minutes)

#26091 Technology - Polymer Production Techniques (Run time 21 min.) DVD $89.95

Moving beyond Introducing Plastics Technology, this video gives your students an in-depth look at the technology skills needed to pursue a career in plastics manufacturing. Viewers learn various types of plastics and their properties as well as appropriate methods for processing raw materials into finished products. Blow-molding, compression-molding, extrusion, and injection-molding are just some of the areas covered. Maintenance, safety, and troubleshooting are also discussed. Give your advanced students an edge in plastics manufacturing. (21 min.) A Meridian Production.

#10469 Technology & Society - Privacy and Security (Run time 57 min.) DVD $89.95

In this Fred Friendly Seminar moderated by Harvard Law School's Arthur Miller, panelists such as U.S. Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer; Nadine Strossen, president of the ACLU; Jamie Gorelick, of the U.S. Department of Justice; Professor Stephen Carter, of Yale Law School; and others examine the fine balance between the power of the government and the rights of the individual in a fictional community called Unity. Discussion points include government initiatives such as Megan's Law, Internet privacy, mandatory fingerprinting, and the encryption of privileged information-and whether these actions are constitutional. A Discussion Guide and other resources are located online at (57 minutes)

#10891 Technology & Society - Technology: At Your Service (Run time 19 min.) DVD $89.95

What would modern life be like without technology? Where has technology made a difference? This program explores how the equipment we often take for granted has become an integral part of our daily lives. At work, at school, and in the home, technology has become one of our most valuable resources. Robots, computers, and many other types of high-tech hardware are introduced. A Meridian Production. (19 minutes)

#11825 Technology & Society - Safeguarding Your Privacy at Home and Work (Run time 25 min.) DVD $89.95

How do advertisers get your telephone number or e-mail address? Do they have your social security number too? This timely video addresses your concerns about keeping personal information private. We hear from experts following this important issue and learn what steps we can take to safeguard our privacy. You will find out just how much information is already legally available to people who know how to access it-even without your permission. Finally, we will explore our rights as consumers. Because we all live and work in a technologically advanced society, everyone needs to be informed about the erosion of privacy. A Meridian Production.One 25-minute video.

#25688 Technology - Introducing Plastics Technology (Run time 21 min.) DVD $99.95

Introducing viewers to the wonders of the plastic age, this video provides an excellent overview for any plastics course or unit. It reviews thermoplastic and thermosetting materials, investigates processes used in converting plastics, and also describes many of the career opportunities available in the plastics field. Animation and close-ups make this video interesting and informative for all viewers. (21 min.) A Meridian Production.

#33506 Technology - Light Speed (Run time 57 min.) DVD $129.95

The laser light pulses that travel the gossamer threads of glass in today's high-tech communication systems are the distant offspring of ancient signal fires. In this program, Ira Flatow and Tom Standage guide viewers through the evolution of long-distance communication, a field of endeavor spurred on by creativity, competition, and chance. Special emphasis is given to fiber optics as it is being used today, both in communications and in other disciplines such as telerobotic surgery. (57 minutes)

#10464 Technology & Society - Technoscience: Blurring the Line Between Man and Machine (Run time 52 min.) DVD $129.95

Was the performance of IBM's Deep Blue against Gary Kasparov an example of supersonic calculation or the first step toward artificial intelligence? Does the acclaimed performance artist Stelarc, striving to become a cyborg-like hybrid, represent the possibility of a strange new race? This startling program tracks advances in robotics at Stanford University and Honda Motors, biotechnology as applied to synthetic skin and organs, workplace computerization, surveillance using Xerox's "tab dogs," and nanotechnology, including atomic-scale machinery and designer genes, and speculates on their ultimate impact on society. (52 minutes)

#10465 Technology & Society - Technoculture: Finding Our Way in the Terra Incognita (Run time 40 min.) DVD $129.95

Technological innovations are penetrating ever more deeply into the substance of society-faster, in fact, than people can assimilate them. As ethical dilemmas and unforeseen consequences pile up, will techno-enthusiasts succeed in weaving a net that will ultimately trap us all? Following a concise summary of Technoscience, this disturbing program addresses diverse topics such as virtual reality, cybernetics, eugenics, cloning, parallels between technological and Christian views of the body, similarities between Nazi experiments and current technology, and the role of artists in defining a grim future that may prove to be more prison than paradise. (41 minutes)

#33079 Technology & Society - Digital Dark Age? Gambling with Humankind's Knowledge (Run time 53 min.) DVD $129.95

Compact and portable, digitized information is an attractive alternative to bulky books, analog media, and emulsion-based photographs-but can it stand the test of time? In this program, Stewart Brand, co-inventor of the TCP/IP Internet protocol, and others in the know assess the rapid proliferation of digitization; confront the alarming risk of massive data loss through technology obsolescence, platform incompatibilities, and storage media degradation; explore the potentially catastrophic impact of data loss on cultural identity; and outline some of the efforts being made to stave off a digital dark age. (53 minutes)

#4299 Technology & Society - No More Privacy: All About You (Run time 59 min.) DVD $149.95

A camera crew stood on a freeway overpass and picked a car license number at random. This documentary shows what they were able to learn in half a day by searching public records and spending $13: a dossier on two people they'd never met, containing the car owners' names, where they live, their business and its financial status, their religion, the husband's health problems, the names of their grandchildren, and the basic floor plan of their house. This program from 1993 examines the rise of the rapid exchange of vast amounts of information made possible by computers and bought and sold without the subjects' knowledge or permission. (59 minutes)

#35078 Technology & Society - Peter Jennings Reporting-No Place to Hide (Run time 41 min.) DVD $149.95

Is the surveillance society inevitable? In No Place to Hide, Peter Jennings examines high-tech monitoring methods that promise greater safety and security but threaten personal privacy. The program shows how Acxiom, ChoicePoint, and other companies use supercomputers to obtain data on more than 90 percent of American households-and how law enforcement and government intelligence agencies increasingly rely on this information. It also studies questionable programs like MATRIX and the Pentagon's Total Information Awareness project, and finds a surprisingly effective model for the responsible use of surveillance technology: the Las Vegas casino. (41 minutes)

#9332 Technology - Technology and Its Applications (Run time min.) DVD $259.9

Will computers ever completely imitate the human brain? Like their biological counterpart, computers recognize patterns, enabling them to mimic aspects of brain function. Computers today can even see, assisting people with visual impairments and learning disorders. This two-part series explores the development and applications of computer intelligence and robotics, particularly in the area of medicine. 2-part series.

#10463 Technology & Society - Living in the Brave New World (Run time min.) DVD $259.9

As technology becomes increasingly complex and pervasive, it is impacting the very essence of what it means to be human. Narrated by the influential futurists and media gurus Arthur and Marilouise Kroker, this unsettling two-part series explores how technology is disrupting not only the workplace and home, but the mind and body as well. Where is the Digital Revolution going? And what will become of those who are left behind? 2-part series, 41-52 minutes each.

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