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Studio Designs Table Top Carousel (black)

Studio Designs Table Top Carousel (black)
Every work space needs organization.  The Studio Designs Table Top Carousel is a unique and useful organization tool to wrangle all your supplies.
Item Code: RTA-12164
Avg. Rating

List $29.99
Sale-Price: $19.99
You Save: $10.00 (33%)

Product Description:
Table Top Carousel / Black

If you are like most people, you can never remember where you put that pencil, and sometimes it is impossible to find a paperclip when you need it.  Even the neatest person can appreciate a tool that simplifies keeping office or art supplies organized, contained, and easy to access.  

The Studio Designs Table Top Carousel has a ring of seven wide trays and three tiers of vertical storage for pens, pencils and markers.  Taller items can be stored in the middle, and everything can be quickly accessed by rotating the carousel.  Plus, you can easily spin the carousel without dumping a flurry of supplies on the ground - it won't slide.  

Keep your work space tidy and never lose that pen that writes perfectly with the Studio Designs Table Top Carousel.  

Customer Reviews

Product Reviews

5 out of 5, Based on 1 Reviews.
Write a Review
July 22, 2021

I would buy this in white


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