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The Symphonist Video (DVD)

Item Code: FI-1230
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Product Description:
The Symphonist Video (DVD) showcases Beethoven’s music. Beethoven, the great pianist, explored beyond the limits of the piano to bring out of the instrument a new series of expression. Almost all of his music has a symphonic character. The Symphonist Video (DVD) is produced by Barenboim, who showcases this series with excerpts from the Hammerklavier, Opus 28, and the Pastoral Sonata.

When watching the video, you will encounter Beethoven’s musical strength, but don’t focus on this much as you may forget his happier works. In other words don’t read Beethoven’s works in this video programmatically, or laud the struggle of the odd symphonies and ignore the lighter even ones. It is important to let the viewer take note of this because The Symphonist Video (DVD) production by Barenboim, which is a New Philharmonia Orchestra, is conducted in the first movement of the Symphony No. 8.

28 minutes play.
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