Sunflowers Video (DVD) is a documentary produced by BBCW detailing the rise and doomed path of the association between Van Gogh and his to come role model, Paul Gauguin. Van Gogh’s career rose like a meteor from an apprentice to a master, then he became ruined. This documentary film tells the incredible story of how Van Gogh’s 11 paintings came to be.
What is also covered is Van Gogh’s unparalleled use of paint and texture in his paintings and his seemingly crazy technique. Van Gogh’s’ sister-in-law worked tirelessly to promote awareness of his work after his death.
You will see that the film is showcasing one man, Van Gogh, his rise to stardom and fall. The paintings he did and creativity he employed are really amazing but his fall is really sad. But thanks to the sister, Van sGogh’s works have been publicly acclaimed by many. The film is a 50 minutes duration play.