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Strathmore 11” x 14” (24 sheets medium 80 lb)

Strathmore 11” x 14” (24 sheets medium 80 lb)
The perfect large drawing pad when you need it for creating your next work of art.
Item Code: S-STR-40005
Avg. Rating

List $9.95
Sale-Price: $6.29
You Save: $3.66 (37%)

Product Description:
This spiral bound artist's pad is filled with page after page of blank space that is specifically designed for drawing. This drawing pad is 18 inches by 24 inches for plenty of space to create the perfect drawing. The paper is medium gauge with an exact thickness of 2/10ths of an inch. This makes the paper heavy-duty and perfect for all your high quality art projects. You can use pencil, pen, fine markers, charcoal, pastels and much more with this paper and it can even support (light) washes, marker art and crayon. This paper is even thick enough for watercolor or paint if you desire, but it is primarily intended as a drawing pad. Brought to you by the folks at Strathmore so you can buy with confidence in the fact that this is a high quality product from a company known for making art supplies. 24 sheets.
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