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Speedball Acrylic paints are high quality, multipurpose and non-toxic. Their Quinacridone Red is a deep red, almost violet color.
Item Code: SPE-007518
Avg. Rating

List $4.29
Sale-Price: $3.29
You Save: $1.00 (23%)

Product Description:

Speedball Acrylics are useful in numerous different projects from traditional painting, to glazing, scrapbooking and all kinds of craft work. They are non-toxic and safe for use with children. Choosing Quinacridone Red is an especially good idea for a project that requires a hardy, long lasting paint. Quinacridones are synthetic paints known for their extremely high quality, color fastness and are abnormally weather resistant. They are often used in industrial and automobile paint. Quinacridone Red is a cool red that tends toward violet and can used in the place of Alizarin Crimson, where a more intense red is required, or it can be mixed with Ultramarine for a particularly rich and vibrant purple. Lastly, Quinacridone red may be mixed with Payne's Grey for a more muted and subtle purple, perhaps suited to landscape painting.

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