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Burt Silverman, NA BT-419 Figure Painting Master Brush Collection - 18 pcs (long handles) plus tote

Item Code: SB-BT-419
Avg. Rating

List $374.95
Sale-Price: $189.99
You Save: $184.96 (49%)

Product Description:
Burt Silverman, NA.

Burton Silverman, NA is one of America’s foremost realist painters. Educated at Columbia University and the Art Students League of New York, Silverman’s work has won 32 major awards from national organizations including five awards from the National Academy of Design, the Silver Medal of the American Watercolor Society and the 2004 Gold Medal of the Portrait Society of America.

Burt's works are included in public collections including the Brooklyn Museum, the Philadelphia Museum of Art, the Denver Art Museum, the National Portrait Gallery, the National Museum of American Art and the Butler Institute of American Art.

Silverman has been commissioned to paint portrait covers for Time magazine and has drawn portraits of over 125 people profiled in The New Yorker. He has been featured in magazines such as Art News, The Artist Magazine, International Artist and American Artist. Silverman was elected to the prestigious Society of Illustrator’s Hall of Fame and the Pastel Society of America’s Hall of Fame.

The extraordinary quality of the Grand Prix® white bristle and Renaissance® pure red sable brushes in the Burt Silverman Figure Painting Collection allow the artist to paint with confidence and assurance that these brushes will perform all their needed tasks.

These are the most versatile tools for his “built up” style of image making. The set includes 18 brushes and a FREE canvas Travel Tote® for a total of 19 pieces.


Item Series / Shape / Qty.

1000-2 Grand Prix Round 1

1001-2 Grand Prix Flat 2

1001-4 Grand Prix Flat 2

1001-6 Grand Prix Flat 2

1001-8 Grand Prix Flat 1

1002-8 Grand Prix Bright 1

1002-12 Grand Prix Bright 1

1003-1 Grand Prix Filbert 1

1003-4 Grand Prix Filbert 1

1003-8 Grand Prix Filbert 1

7102-6 Renaissance Bright 1

7102-8 Renaissance Bright 1

7110-8 Renaissance Cats Tongue 1

7107S-2 Renaissance Silver Script 1

7107S-4 Renaissance Silver Script 1

Plus ** FREE **
9580 Long Handle Travel Tote 1
Customer Reviews

Product Reviews

5 out of 5, Based on 1 Reviews.
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1660 nw 2terrace pompano beach
March 18, 2011

i have a book painting people by burt silverman in the year of 1977 is this a good thing to hold on too. i had put in a closet and forgot about it. geraldine

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