Silk Plants

Silk plants allow you to get the look of real plants in the home or office without the need to water or prune them. Many types of plants are available in beautiful, luxurious silk including bamboo plants, orchids, ivies and more. Hang up a silk hanging plant and allow it to dress up any space with its natural-looking greenery. Choose a floor plant to add a large area of greenery to the room. Choose a tabletop plant to dress up your desk or add some cheer and color to any space. With silk flowers, you give the look of life and nature to any space you place it in. From a silk bird of paradise to a perfect replica of a colorful mallow plant, it's easy to place these plants anywhere you like and never have to tend to them as you would a living plant.

Silk flowers perfectly capture the natural look of flowers but without the hassle of keeping flowers alive.

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