Silentaire Sil-Air 50-6 Ultra-Quiet Compressor
Product Description:
The Silentaire Sil-Air 50-6 Ultra-Quiet Compressor is a fully-automated piece of equipment that is essential for creating high-quality, artistic masterpieces. This noiseless airbrush compressor has a built-in moisture trap and air intake filter for better self-cleaning and is more pleasant to the ears than other units. It also has a 1.5 gallon tank and ½ horsepower pump and is far more reliable and durable than comparable models. This machine also has line and tank gauges to help measure pressure during use. The Sil-Air 50-6 stores nicely where ever an artist has room. It also has a carrying handle and wheels that make it easier to move it from place to place. The tank has a 1.5 gallon capacity, and the machine weighs 53 pounds. The oversize shipping price for this compressor is $27.50.
Customer Reviews
Product Reviews
Cons: This is a stretch. The unit is heavy so I plan to put mine on rollers. The only other issue is that the directions to fill the oil was confusing. I overfilled the oil and had to drain some out but this took no time at all.
Love this compressor!