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sienna art studio Art Bench

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List $525.00
Sale-Price: $339.99
You Save: $185.01 (35%)

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Product Description:
sienna art studio Art Bench The Sienna Studio Art Bench is a modern take on the classic drawing bench. A fully adjustable work top and sliding support arm turn this into a versatile compact work station.

Wondering about the price of this art bench? Well this isn't your old art bench. look at the images! It is an incredible piece of highest quality Art Studio Equipment!

The work top can adjust to your ideal angle and is designed to sit above your knees for maximum comfort.

Use the sliding support arm to rest small drawing pads, and other supports at the perfect working height.

Not just for drawing anymore, the Art Bench is perfect for painting too.


Versatile and compact for small or large drawing or painting.

Work top adjusts in angle as well as height for maximum comfort.

Large 18” x 24” work top is ideal for large drawing pads.

Sliding support arm for working on smaller drawings or paintings.

Wide 18” x 36” footprint provides excellent stability while taking up very little room.

A comfortable 9” x 28” long seat provides plenty of room to accommodate most artists.

The seat measures 19" high from the ground.

Adjustable leveling feet eliminate any wobbles on uneven surfaces.

(Oversize Shipping: $55.00)
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