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Shain Case Work Cabinets

For all of your work storage needs there are the well-constructed cabinets made by Shain Case. With the variety of sizes and types of cabinets available, it's easy to find one that will fit your needs. Choose from among base cabinets of various heights and wall cabinets for higher storage. All of the cabinets have solid framing and are made from birch sides. The joint construction makes them sturdy and ready to take on all the things you want to store. The drawers use dovetailing to make their construction tough and permanent. The locks on the drawers and doors have masterkeyed cylinders. The finish of each cabinet has been treated with several laquer coats for beauty and durability. These cabinets look great and provide sturdy and reliable storage.

Keep everything in its place with these well-made and attractive work cabinets that use high-end construction and materials.