Sabotaz 80 Bucket Paints (375ml or 1650ml sizes)

Sabotaz 80 Bucket Paints: 375 ml or 1650 ml sizes. (DISCONTINUED) - These are Buckets, (Not spray cans)

{Choices below alternate between Sabotaz Bucket 375 ml size and Sabotaz Bucket 1650 ml size}

Sabotaz 80 Bucket Paints We are proud to offer to you the first bucket paint manufactured specifically for street art! Yup, you heard us correctly! Now available, 18 colors of bucket paint goodness. The Bucket paint are currently offered in 2 sizes - pint & quart. These Sabotaz bucket paint colors are exact matches to the Sabotaz aerosol colors.

Colors: Absinth, Blue Lilac, Bubble Gum, Cornflower Blue, Heather Violet, Khaki, Lemon Yellow, Nut Brown, Olive, Orange Brown, Pastel Blue, Rape, Signal Black,Signal Blue, Silver Grey, Traffic Green, Traffic White, Yellow Green, Yellow Orange & Yellow.

The Sabotaz 80 Bucket Paint comes in a matte finish and a variety of colors. This paint can be used both indoors and outside and can be applied to many different surfaces. The updated formula provides an odorless, top quality surface coverage. The product was originally created for graffiti artists and has been adapted for use in many applications including textile, metal, plastic and wood surfaces.

Sabotaz 80 Bucket Paints 375ml– SIGNAL BLACK #9004B375 is specifically formulated for your street art creations. The Signal Black #9004B375 is available in an exact pigment match to the Sabotaz aerosol colors.

This product dries in about ten minutes. Be sure to protect your face with a mask when applying the paint. Keep out of the hands of children.

Your ideal choice for all of your street art creations!

Sabotaz 80 as a spray paint line provides a balance between cost and function. When first introduced, the paint product had a bit of improvement to take care of. However, since those early days, the Sabotaz 80 line has now a spray paint with consistency and durability, improving its reputation significantly. This paint product is gains a lot of demand for projects that are cost-conscious and want a good paint effect without breaking the bank doing so. Produced in 120 different colors, there is even a flat matte version available.

The RAPE YELLOW #1021B375 Sabotaz 80 line produces a distinct color that is not replicated by other brands. This performance of the paint is unique to the Sabotaz mixture, which makes it stand out product-wise as well as to the creation it is used on.

The Sabotaz 80 RAPE YELLOW #1021B375 paint line provides a good balance between cost and performance for cost-conscious art projects.
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