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Quiller Traveling Palette

Quiller Traveling Palette
Item Code: JRM400250
Avg. Rating

List $35.50
Sale-Price: $19.99
You Save: $15.51 (44%)

Product Description:
Approximately 11½" by 14½" with the same round palette format as the standard Quiller Palette but with a smaller circumference, a brush holder and a side wash basin as well as the one in the center of the wheel. There are twelve pans on the main circle to allow for the primary, secondary and intermediate colors. The outside corner has three additional pans for a total of twelve more locations in which to put additional colors. These can be used for additional watercolors or for gouache such as the set in this catalog. The side basin can be used to hold brushes while traveling. The lid fits snugly. Most importantly, this palette will fit inside of many of the French easels. It was designed this way to ease the cumbersome struggle of getting supplies to on-location.
Customer Reviews

Product Reviews

5 out of 5, Based on 4 Reviews.
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Quiller Watercolor Traveling palette
Charlotte NC
August 12, 2017

Thanks for your professionalism in handling a recent purchase I made with your company. I am more than happy to recommend this company to all my art friends who are in need of art supplies. Your expedient assistance is commendable and I am very satisfied with your excellent service. I will certainly do business in the future.
Sutherlin, OR
May 25, 2012

The palettes are wonderful! My order was for a group of us in a watercolor class...we were thrilled to get them so soon! The low price and quick delivery were great. Thanx.
Hendersonville, TN
February 15, 2012

Best prices around and very prompt service! Have passed along ordering info to other artist friends!
St Paul, MN
October 05, 2009

Some of the best service I've ever received. Loved doing business with you and will certainly continue. The palettes are great, my order was received very timely, and the price was right. I have passed your name onto my students. Thank you.

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