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Organize your handmade puppets on this durable hardwood puppet stand.
Item Code: GUIDECRAFT-G97050
Avg. Rating

List $20.00
Sale-Price: $16.80
You Save: $3.20 (16%)
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Product Description:

Puppet makers and puppet masters can organize their handmade puppets on this durable wooden stand. Featuring eight posts to hold puppets, the stand will keep them them from getting wrinkled and out-of-shape when not in use. If you are a puppet creator, this stand works well as a drying center for glue while assembling. During puppet shows, use the stand to arrange puppets in order of appearance in the show for convenience. When puppets are not in use, display them on this stand for viewing on a shelf unit or in the window of the theater.

Made from hardwood, the stand is designed to hold up to regular daily use, and while it may gain nicks, they will just add more character. Stand ships complete without puppets shown in the picture. Oversized shipping fee for this unit is $23.70.

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