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Professional Pastelists' Easels

Our beautiful pastelists’ forward-tilt easels are professional and sturdy. Each can tilt up to sixty degrees, enabling you to get rid of pastel dust as you work. This means no more frustration! You don’t have to worry that tilting will compromise the stability of this easel. It is made for flexibility and ease of movement. Our easels have rubber grips and steel hinges so that you can feel comfortable about your work’s safety. Every easel has a shelf underneath the main platform so that you can store your tools and supplies and have easy access to them while you work. Our collection comes in a range of styles, from university to wall mounted, for all of your creative needs. We build them from hand out of classic, sturdy woods such as oak. Made in the USA!

Our forward-tilt easel moves up to sixty degrees and enables you to get the pastel dust off your work!

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Madison Art Shop