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RICHESON PLASTIC Palette (6 ditch)

RICHESON PLASTIC Palette (6 ditch)
Designed for aspiring artists.
Item Code: JRM-101016-xxx
Avg. Rating

List $49.25
Sale-Price: $0.24
You Save: $49.01 (100%)
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Product Description:

RICHESON PLASTIC Palette (6 ditch) The plastic palette-inspired tray suits the needs of beginning, intermediate, and expert artists with deep wells in the tray providing ample room for a variety of mediums whether your preference is oil, acrylic, or water-based paint. Lightweight plastic construction makes it easy to use, especially for children, and it’s easy to clean. This must have art supply is ideal for home use, art studios, schools, community centers, or other locations providing art classes. The inexpensive price makes the tray both economical and disposable. Trays are available as a single order shipment or in a package deal of 144 trays. 

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